Genero Mobile for Android (GMA) 5.00 changes

Modifications to consider when using the Genero Mobile for Androidâ„¢.


This topic describes feature changes in the GMA 5.00 product. See also the Mobile section in Genero BDL 5.00 New Features page.

GMA 5.00 with FGLGWS 5.00


The GMA version 5.00 is built on FGLGWS 5.00 and therefore, strongly tied to this Genero BDL version.


When building apps with gmabuildtool, the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable is deprecated.

To define the Android SDK installation directory, use the ANDROID_HOME environment variable instead.

To learn more about the ANDROID_HOME environment variable, go to the Environment variables page on the Android Studio Developer site. To learn more about the gmabuildtool, go to gmabuildtool.

Android 32bit desupport

Starting with GMA 5.00.00, the Android 32bit devices are no longer supported.

The GMA 5.00 front end, or an embedded app built with GMA 5.00 can only be deployed on 64bit devices.

Changes in earlier versions

Make sure to check the upgrade notes of earlier versions, to not miss changes introduced in maintenance releases. For more details, see Changes in GMA 4.01 / BDL 4.01.

Notable changes introduced in maintenance releases:
  • No particular change to consider.