Overlaping error numbers in ranges

Genero BDL uses error numbers in a range of Informix SQL errors.

Genero FGL uses the following error number ranges:

  • -6999:-6000 / 6000:6999 (FGL, WRT)
  • -8999:-8000 / 8000:8999 (FGL)
  • -15999:-15000 / 15000:15999 (GWS)
Recent Informix servers defines SQL errors in the range -8999 to -8000, such as:
 -8128   Minimum length of a VARCHAR variable must be smaller than the maximum size.

In this range, the errors must be interpreted accoridng to the context: After executing an SQL statement when connected to an Informix server, it's an Informix SQL error. In any other context, it's a Genero BDL error.

Note also that Genero BDL runtime errors will only set the status variable, while SQL errors will set the sqlca.sqlcode and status variable.