I4GL adapts the scale of MONEY / MONEY(p) types from the client locale setting, Genero BDL always uses the same default scale.

With IBM® Informix® 4GL, when using the MONEY or MONEY(p) data type, the number of decimal digits (scale) adapts the to current locale settings defined by the CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable.

For example, with CLIENT_LOCALE=ja_jp.utf8, a MONEY(10) will be interpreted as a MONEY(10,0).

With Genero BDL, the default scale of a MONEY type is always 2.

For example:
    DEFINE m MONEY(10)
    DEFINE d DECIMAL(10,2)
    LET m = 123.45
    DISPLAY "m = ", m
    LET d = m
    DISPLAY "d = ", d
With I4GL, the MONEY(10) type is adapted at compile time to MONEY(10,2) in the English/US locale, or to MONEY(10,0) in the Japanese locale:
$ export CLIENT_LOCALE="en_us.utf8"
$ c4gl -o money.bin money.4gl
$ ./money.bin
m =       $123.45
d =       123.45

$ export CLIENT_LOCALE="ja_jp.utf8"
$ ./money.bin
m =          ¥123
d =       123.45

$ c4gl -o money.bin money.4gl
$ ./money.bin
m =          ¥123
d =       123.00
With FGL, MONEY(10) always converts to MONEY(10,2):
$ export CLIENT_LOCALE="en_us.utf8"
$ fglcomp money.4gl
$ fglrun money.42m
m =       $123.45
d =       123.45

$ export CLIENT_LOCALE="ja_jp.utf8"
$ fglrun money.42m
m =       $123.45
d =       123.45